365 Days of Plants!

Warning: For those who are susceptible to hoarding plants, the project I’m about to embark on may not be advisable for you! :)


I recently inventoried the plants in my home again so that I could stay on top of their fertilizing schedule and ultimately better care for them. My collection of plants has grown over the past 10+ years in my Brooklyn apartment to a whopping ecosystem of 1,100+ plants and ~560 species! That’s of course a moving target, as I gain more and lose some, so I’ve decided that documenting my plants—much in the same way a dieter may document her nutritional inputs—is an important organizational practice for me.

Some folks who have tuned into my home tours on Plant One On Me have requested that I spend more time on each individual plant, but that is hard to do because the tours would then take several hours—at least! But that got me thinking of a different but related idea:

What if I share just one plant a day?

That seems much more achievable and not only gives each plant its own breathing space, it’s own time to shine—but also is an incredibly fun and informative daily activity to share with you! I’ve always admired the dedication and discipline of artists who sketch little drawings once a day; or poets who write a few lines of poetry every day...so why not share one plant a day—for at least the next year? I mean, I have enough interesting species and varieties to do that with!

So, that’s what I’m setting out to do.

I’ll be sharing one plant a day on IGTV @homesteadbrooklyn, Facebook and YouTube—for the next 365 days with #OnePlantADay #365DaysOfPlants. I’ll try to keep the videos less than 5 minutes and will highlight top-level stuff, like the plant’s scientific and common names, interesting facts about that particular plant, where it’s native to, its local habitat, where I grow it in my home, my experience with it, how to care for, water, fertilize and propagate it, and anything else that I could think of off the top of my head.

And yes, all of this will be attempted in only one or two takes with minimal editing, so it may feel like a little encyclopedic rant, but I do hope that it helps you learn about and discover new plants, helps you better care for the ones that you have, and starts conversations with the community about your experience with each plant highlighted!

So let the #365DaysOfPlants #OnePlantADay begin!