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(even if you live in the city).

Learn From Me

Houseplant Masterclass

Learn to intuit what a plant needs with this 30-day audiovisual course and 350 Houseplant Care Sheet.

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Troubleshoot Houseplants

Newest Course! Diagnose what is wrong with your plant and what to do about it.

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Houseplant Basics

Looking for a Houseplant 101 Course? We got you covered with a beginner’s guide to houseplants.

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Houseplant Care Sheet

Optimize plant care with the 125 Houseplant Care Spreadsheet and the Houseplant Care Tracker™.

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Sustaining Member

Be a pillar of support for Plant One On Me by becoming a Sustaining Member..

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Immerse yourself in this deeply moving relationship guide to living with plants.

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  • Watch Plant One On Me and 365 Days of Plants. New botanical content weekly. Tune in ➝

  • And we have a new sister channel, Flock Finger Lakes. Check it out ➝

Podcast: Bad Seeds

Launching this April 2023, Bad Seeds explores a variety of cases involving illegal plant poaching—from the US Fish and Wildlife catching obsessives stealing cacti to the Gibson Guitar lawsuit when the company purchased illegally harvested wood from Madagascar. Along with telling these stories, the show also focuses on the larger environmental impact of plant smuggling.

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